Social Media
Consistent messaging is a crucial key to your brand’s success. Customers expect, even demand it. We’ll
set you up to maximize your online presence, ensuring you’re creating engaging content, distilling your
message, and ultimately controlling your brand image online.
Who doesn’t like a good story? By fusing your strategic needs with a unique design solution, we’ll
transform your brand into a captivating story, distinguish you from your competition, and give you your
own voice.
Who we are
We are Story Teller’s, who specialize in branding, marketing campaigns, packaging, and Graphic design.
We help brands present their stories in ways that are effective and honest, novel and established.
we’re also experts in partnership, because that’s what it takes to apply creativity successfully to business

The Right People In The Right Jobs
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Daymonde Marks
– Daymonde is a multiple International award winning strategic led Global Marketing Specialist who has transitioned brands at an agency and client level through delivering global practices combined with strategic led marketing that focuses on increased revenue and market leadership. Producing consumer centric strategies by using trend analysis and purchase triggers as the foundation to facilitate; brand growth, multimillion dollar revenues and an edge over the competitor. Engaging with consumers on a one to one level through storytelling with the partnership of traditional media, new media, digital, sponsorship properties and PR.
We’re Hiring!
Interested in working with our Team?